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We Were Able To Convince The Prosecutor’s Supervisor To Change The Charge To A Misdemeanor And That Meant That Bs Could Keep His Captain’s License.

Case Results

BS is a boat captain and was charged with stealing an expensive piece from one boat and putting it on another. BS had several prior arrests and was not eligible for a withhold of adjudication on the new felony. BS would have lost his captain’s license if he pled and was convicted of the felony. We were able to convince the prosecutor’s supervisor to change the charge to a misdemeanor and that meant that BS could keep his captain’s license.

How a Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help Your Case

If you or someone you love has been charged with misdemeanor or felony theft, we can help. Call George Reres Law, P.A. at (954) 523-3811 or fill out our contact form to get answers at no cost to you.
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